"That's what chess is all about. One day you give your opponent a lesson, the next day he gives you one"

Jun 4, 2011

Anand-Shirov Match Leon, Spain June 2-6

Anand dominates a fight vibrant

As usual in the chess game is the conservative elite, Viswanathan Anand and Alexei Shirov have delighted us with two rounds of high quality and high fighting spirit. The Indian dominated by 1.5 to 0.5 after two games of the six planned in the Magistral Ciudad de León XXIV.
    " My eleventh play of the second game was improvised on the board. "This statement of Alexei Shirov in the program live TV Castilla Y León stunned many because it involves a courage bordering on insanity when the opponent is nothing less than world champion. He admitted he did have home analysis on this position, so that played in part of memory and made ​​clear advantage from the opening. "But then the position became fiendishly complicated, and although I was aware that had a clear advantage, it took me quite figure out how to turn it into victory, "he said.
    Indeed, it was a decision very high risk of Shirov, as explained by Miguel Illescas of Spain octacampeón during his remarks to the audience (for headphones) and Internet, "When I worked as an analyst Vladimir Kramnik had to deeply analyze this move, although was not implemented until now never, because it is a fundamental idea to assess the position. So we were surprised at all that Shirov risking much. "
    That combat trousers removed, with the two kings in serious danger for most of the game, was the culmination of the first assault that had already taken a huge technical level, albeit much less dramatic and ended in a draw after an enlightening exchange of blows .
    On Saturday, besides the two games between Anand and Shirov, includes another very attractive offer from 12.00 at the Institute Leon Culture: Miguel Illescas will lecture about his work for IBM in 1997, before and during the historic duel Deep Blue -Kasparov, marking a milestone in the fight man-machine mental sport.
source: official web site

Press chief Leontxo Garcia, Vishy Anand, Alexei Shirov and arbiter Joaquín Espejo


Viswanathan Anand
Alexei Shirov

Jun 3, 2011

Sacrificing the exchange for an advantageous endgame

Anand possesses the ability to sacrifice the exchange for position, which is also standard method of playing, especially in the endgame. He is clearly familiar with Petrosian's favourite strategic device, as we see in the following game.

Pawn sacrifices in the endgame

The compensation received for a pawn in the form of either piece activity, possession of an open file or clearing the path for a passed pawn generally has no meaning in the endgame than in the middlegame.

The sacrifice of two pieces for a rook and pawn(s) Part 3

Jun 1, 2011

The sacrifice of two pieces for a rook and pawn(s) Part 2

May 29, 2011

Improving the Worst-Placed Piece (part 6)

I am going to finished the sixth and final installment of our topic "Improving the Worst-Placed Piece".

Improving the Worst-Placed Piece (part 5)