"That's what chess is all about. One day you give your opponent a lesson, the next day he gives you one"

Jun 22, 2011

Magnus wins the Bazna 5th Kings Tournament 2011, Sergey away in the final "Grand Slam"

ROMGAZ and the Chess Club Society "Elisabeta Polihroniade” of Bucharest are staging a double round robin tournament with six top GMs: the world's second highest ranked player, Magnus Carlsen of Norway; Ukrainian GM Vassily Ivanchuk, currently the world's number five; Sergey Karjakin, former child prodigy and youngest GM of all time; top US grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura, clear winner of this year's Wijk aan Zee tournament; Teimour Radjabov, one of Azerbaijan's top GMs, and Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu, the best Romanian player. The competition is taking place from June 11th to 22nd 2011 in Medias, Romania.

          Round ten express report

Round 10: Tuesday, June 21, 13:30h
Teimour Radjabov 
 Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu
Magnus Carlsen 
 Sergey Karjakin
Vassily Ivanchuk 
 Hikaru Nakamura 

Bazna 2011
1-2Carlsen (NOR)2815½½1½½½1½1½
1-2Karjakin (RUS)2776½½½½½½111½
3-4Nakamura (USA)2774½0½½½½½01½
3-4Radjabov (AZE)2744½½½½½½½0½½
5-6Ivanchuk (UKR)2776½0001½1½½04
5-6Nisipeanu (ROM)2662½0½0½0½½1½4

Tie-break is between the winners did not take place
In Bazna Tournament ended under the title "Royal". Two undisputed leader Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin in the internal fight in the last round worked very reliably and have completed the game world.
After reading the rules on the official website of the competition, one would have thought that in the case of the division first-place chess players with the same score to bring out the best tie-break. According to the Chess-News, this misunderstanding arose because of incorrect translation rules from Romanian into English. It turned out that tie-break was provided only if all three additional indicators someone will be equal. In the case of Carlsen and Karjakin have been equal to only two:
- number of victories,
- the number of points in between parties share the place.
The third indicator - the ratio Zonneborna-Berger - was slightly higher in Carlsen: 29.75 vs. 29.50 in Karjakin.
Thus, the winner was announced Magnus Carlsen.
3-4 Radjabov and Nakamura split, 5-6 - Ivanchuk and Nisipeanu. Table, schedule, results, and all parties, and other materials about the event
Recall that the "Royal Tournament" was a step in a series of "Grand Slam". Three members of the finale, which will be held from September 25 to October 11 in Sao Paulo and Bilbao: Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura and Viswanathan Anand. The fourth was just Sergey Karjakin, Carlsen has already had as a treasured ticket. In any case, the information published website Chessbase. 

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